Monday, March 19, 2012

Tool 10

1.  The first thing I want to make sure students understand are that words and pictures they post on the internet can be seen my many people--often many that they do not know or expect to aware of what they post.  Consequently, posts must be tasteful, lawful, and purposeful.  A person's posts will document their activities and thoughts far more accurately than gossip. 

The second  thing is that students cannot trust everything they see on the internet.  ALL of my students know this intuitively, but they still believe stuff that "sounds" right.  They do not see political slants placed on information.

The third thing is students need to stay focused when using the internet.  Pictures and videos are so stimulating that one gets lost in the "show".  It is easy to waste time "surfing".  I would teach some tips for staying on track. 

2.  I could use the link "good search tips" from Kristin Hokanson to help students find credible sources. 

3.  I remember a game called "telephone" where a large number of kids would sit in a circle.  One student would whisper a sentence to the kid next to him.  That student would whisper the same sentence to the next kid and so on until the last kid has heard the sentence.  That student would state the sentence out loud.  Inevitably, the last student's sentence had NOTHING to do with what was originally stated.  I think there might be a similar activity using websites that will show that "facts" don't always agree.  Hopefully, this activity could demonstrate for students the need to know how to validate sources and how to access credible sources.

4.  To share with parents, I might send an email with a video link to the same video I've used in class.  This could encourage further discussion at home to reinforce our work in class.

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