Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tool 11

1. What are your favorite tools you now have in your personal technology toolbox? Briefly describe a particular activity that you will plan for your students using at least one of these new tools.
My favorite tools are Skype and Edmoto. I plan to use Skype to give my students an opportunity to hear and communicate with native Spanish-speakers in other countries. 
2. How have you transformed your thinking about the learning that will take place in your classroom? How has your vision for your classroom changed? Are you going to need to make any changes to your classroom to accommodate the 21st Century learner?
I believe that the same learning will take place.  It will be hard for me to release the reigns and to let the students use this technology in place of the traditional teaching that I am accustomed to. It will be hard to give up class time and allow the kids to start to do some of the learning on their own. I will have to make some changes in order to accommodate all of this technology. I will have to reduce the amount of time that I instruct and allow extra time for the students to develop their own thoughts and theories on particular events in Spanish.
3. Were there any unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
I did not realize that there was so much information out there, available to facilitate the educational process. I feel that there are many more meetings that I need to attend and perhaps coordinate with the new generation of teachers before I will allow the students to take control of their learning. 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Tool 10

1.  The first thing I want to make sure students understand are that words and pictures they post on the internet can be seen my many people--often many that they do not know or expect to aware of what they post.  Consequently, posts must be tasteful, lawful, and purposeful.  A person's posts will document their activities and thoughts far more accurately than gossip. 

The second  thing is that students cannot trust everything they see on the internet.  ALL of my students know this intuitively, but they still believe stuff that "sounds" right.  They do not see political slants placed on information.

The third thing is students need to stay focused when using the internet.  Pictures and videos are so stimulating that one gets lost in the "show".  It is easy to waste time "surfing".  I would teach some tips for staying on track. 

2.  I could use the link "good search tips" from Kristin Hokanson to help students find credible sources. 

3.  I remember a game called "telephone" where a large number of kids would sit in a circle.  One student would whisper a sentence to the kid next to him.  That student would whisper the same sentence to the next kid and so on until the last kid has heard the sentence.  That student would state the sentence out loud.  Inevitably, the last student's sentence had NOTHING to do with what was originally stated.  I think there might be a similar activity using websites that will show that "facts" don't always agree.  Hopefully, this activity could demonstrate for students the need to know how to validate sources and how to access credible sources.

4.  To share with parents, I might send an email with a video link to the same video I've used in class.  This could encourage further discussion at home to reinforce our work in class.

Tool 9

I think the important thing here is to understand that technology can help students think outside of the “Box”. It gives them a new and exciting way to process information. When technology can be connect to the purpose of the lesson exciting things can happen

If we do not hold students accountable in regards to technology then technology becomes nothing more than a toy. Production is the key and by using technology to reinforce learning.

I went to all of the interactive websites and could not find one that dealt with CTE. We could challenge the students to replicate one of the applications using the application we work in everyday.

I have the students check out and in the device so that we keep the device at it optimal's usage for as long as possible.

If we ever get one we could set up different station that could review students for test. The Cashman Series has and on line learning that you could set flash cards up on one and games such as “Who wants to be a Genious” and “Wheel of Terms”.

Tool 8

I will encourage the students to utilize the IPad in the classroom.  I will establish a check out/check in system to maintain the instrument in it's best shape for as long as possible.
Students will be restricted to using the IPad solely, in the classroom.

Thus far students, without such tools at home, have been appreciative of the opportunity to utilize the IPad.  It has been an amazing tool that has opened the creativity of many students.

Tool 7

We have worked collaboratively and consecutively with Coach Vaughn and his keyboarding/computer classes.  His students create projects that need to be translated into Spanish.  My students provide the content and translations and his students recreate the finalized products.
We have collaborated on Menus, Flyers and Announcements.

Tool 6

I have utilized SKPE to introduce my students to native Spanish speakers....I have relatives in Mexico that have participated in real time conversations with my students.
We have also found that utilizing Google Docs helps the students when they need extra help prior to exams...If they see me online, they are encouraged to interact with me regarding homework assignments or discussions for test or quiz reviews.

Tool 5

I utilized MakeBeliefsComix and MixBook.  For the Comix, the kids and I took pictures and created a dialog in Spanish...For Mixbook, I assigned the kids an assignment to create a presentation of a recent trip.  They were creative and had outstanding presentations...What a neat tool...I will definitely use these tools again!!!